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Shipping Rates & Policies

Fixnity Shipping Rates & Policies:

  • Shipping Rates: Fixnity offers a variety of shipping options, and the rates can vary depending on factors such as the shipping method selected, the destination, the type of items being shipped, and whether you have a Prime membership or not. Fixnity Prime members often enjoy free or discounted shipping rates on eligible items.


  • Fixnity Prime: Fixnity Prime members typically receive free two-day, one-day, or same-day shipping on eligible items. This is subject to availability based on the member's location and the items' availability.
  • Non-Prime Shipping: For customers who do not have Fixnity Prime, shipping rates and speeds can vary based on the shipping method chosen at checkout. Fixnity offers standard, expedited, and priority shipping options for these customers.
  • Free Super Saver Shipping: Fixnity used to offer Free Super Saver Shipping on eligible orders over a certain amount. However, this policy might have changed, so it's important to check the current terms on Fixnity's website.
  • International Shipping: Fixnity often offers international shipping to many countries, though the availability of certain items and the associated shipping rates can vary. Import duties, taxes, and customs fees may apply to international orders.
  • Returns and Refunds: Fixnity has a returns and refunds policy that allows customers to return most items within a specified timeframe for a refund or replacement. The specifics of the policy can vary based on the type of item and the reason for return.
  • Tracking Orders: Customers can track their orders through their Fixnity accounts. Tracking information is provided once the item has shipped.
  • Delivery Guarantees: Fixnity provides estimated delivery dates during the checkout process. These dates are not guaranteed, but Fixnity strives to meet them. If there are any delays, Fixnity usually communicates them to customers.
  • Third-Party Sellers: Keep in mind that Fixnity hosts third-party sellers who may have their own shipping rates and policies. These can differ from Fixnity's policies.

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